Add Solver Parameter
Screen Description
The Add Solver Parameter screen provides interface for adding a new solver parameter. Note, however, that a parameter should be implemented and recognized by the solver before it is added here.

- Name
- Unique name of the parameter
- The convention is that the first part should reflect the parameter group (for example, solver mode in the Basic group is named Basic.Mode)
- Group
- You can change the group for the parameter (by default there is a group from the section where you clicked on Add Solver Parameter)
- Description
- Type
- Type of the parameter
- For example, when the type is boolean, the value can be set by checking or unchecking a checkbox
- Default
- Visible
- If checked (default), this parameter is a part of the configuration settings (can be changed in the Add/Edit Solver Configuration screens)
- If unchecked, the default value of the parameter cannot be changed anywhere but in the Edit Solver Parameter screen
- Save (ALT+S)
- Back (ALT+B)