Constraint Solver Howto

Three step procedure to run the course timetabling solver alone (no web services)

  1. Download the most recent distribution, some configuration files, and some instances.
    1. I will assume later on that:
    2. you extracted the main distribution into unitime,
    3. that you copied the instances and configuration files to a new subdirectory unitime/instances.
    4. One of the instances you downloaded is pu-fal07-ms.xml. One of the configuration files is default.cfg.
  2. Change into the directory “unitime/instances”
  3. Execute java -Xmx512m -jar ../solver/cpsolver-all-1.1.jar default.cfg pu-fal07-ms.xml ./output/pu-fal.

I recommend using sun java. I had some problems with gij and manifests.

You should get output similar to the following:

 [you@yourMachine:instances]  java -Xmx512m -jar ../solver/cpsolver-all-1.1.jar default.cfg pu-fal07-ms.xml ./output/pu-fal
 Output folder: ./output/pu-fal/090617_134553
 Reading pu-fal07-ms.xml ... :
 Creating rooms ...          : ................................................
 Creating variables ...      : ................................................
 Creating constraints ...    : ................................................
 Loading students ...        : ................................................
 Initial sectioning ...      : ................................................
 Computing jenrl ...         : ................................................
 Purging invalid placements .: ................................................
 Creating initial assignment : ................................................
 Done                        : ................................................
 Initializing solver         :
 Searching for initial soluti: ................................................
 Done                        : ................................................
 moving students ...         : ................................................
 moving students ...         : ................................................

On my machine, a dual core 2.66Ghz Intel CPU, it takes approximately 30 min to finish.

– by Leo Lopes