Edit Subject Area
Screen Description
The Edit Subject Area screen provides administrators with interface for editing an existing subject area.

- Academic Session
- The academic session for which you are editing a subject area
- Can be changed from the Academic Sessions screen
- Abbreviation
- Subject area abbreviation
- Title
- Title of the subject area
- External ID
- External ID of the subject area (optional)
- Department
- Change the department to which the subject area belongs (a subject area has to belong to a department)
- This option is disabled if there is a timetable committed for the current department of this subject area
- A new department can be added in the Add Department screen - to get there, click on Departments in the Administration section of the left hand side menu
- Funding Department
- The department funding the classes for this subject area if they are funded by a department other than the department to which the subject area belongs.
- This field is not visible by default. To enable this field the unitime.courses.funding_departments_enabled application property must be set to true.
- Update (ALT+U)
- Delete (ALT+D)
- Delete subject area and go back to the Subject Areas screen
- This option is only available if there are no courses offered for this subject area
- Back (ALT+B)