Edit Examination Type

Screen Description

The Edit Examination Type page can be used to edit or to delete an examination type. Examination types can be used to define multiple examination problems in an academic session. For instance, there can be multiple final examination problems defined, each timetabled separately. See Examination Types page for more details. Permission Examination Type Edit is needed to make changes to examination types.

Edit Examination Type


Examination type has an abbreviation and a name. Both abbreviations and names must be provided and unique. An examination type also needs to be either of Final or of Midterm type. This type drives how the examination period preferences are displayed, whether there will be midterm or final examination events created, and they are used in the status types.

Only examination types that are not being used (i.e., there is no examination period of the type created) can be deleted. For historic reasons, there always have to be one final examination type and one midterm examination type. Examination types that are being used cannot have the type changed as well.


Click Save to update the modified examination type. Button Back will get you back to Examination Types page without making any changes. Click Delete to delete the examination type.

The buttons Previous and Next can be used to save the current examination type and get to the Edit Examination Type page for the previous / next type.