Exam Naming Convention

An exam is named by the object that is having the exam (section, config, course, offering). E.g., if a course MGMT 200 is having an exam, it is named MGMT 200, an exam for a class A&AE 203 Lec 1 will be named A&AE 203 Lec 1.

In the case of an exam that links multiple classes, courses etc. together, it contains a comma (or semicolon) separated list of the names of all objects that are having the exam, in the order of these objects that we are using through the Timetabling application. Also, it is trying to skip parts (subject area, course number and instructional type) that are in common.

So, for instance,

It is also possible to rename an exam if needed.



Following codes can be used in exam names:

%s subject area abbreviation
%c course number
%i instructional type abbreviation (e.g., Lec, Rec)
%n section number (including suffix, e.g., 1a for ENGL 106 Lec 1a)
%x configuration name
%d department abbreviation
%D department code
%a class suffix (aka div-sec number)
%y instructional type suffix (e.g., a for ENGL 106 Lec 1a)
%e class extended id
%f course extended id
%o offering extended id
%t exam type suffix (using application properties tmtbl.exam.name.type.Final and tmtbl.exam.name.type.Midterm)
%I instructional type code
%p instructional type parent abbreviation (e.g., Lec for Lec, Lec 1, or Lec 2)
%P instructional type parent parent code
%_ space


All objects (classes, courses, etc.) that are associated with an exam are iterated ordered by subject area, course number, classes and their position within the course. For each of these objects a name is appended into the examination name using the following patterns.

tmtbl.exam.name.Course course offering name
tmtbl.exam.name.Offering instructional offering name
tmtbl.exam.name.Config instructional offering configuration name
tmtbl.exam.name.Class class name
tmtbl.exam.name.suffix suffix (to be appended at the end of an examination name, e.g. %_%t)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Course course offering name (if the previously iterated object was of the same subject area)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Offering instructional offering name (if the previously iterated object was of the same subject area)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Config instructional offering configuration name (if the previously iterated object was of the same subject area)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Class class name (if the previously iterated object was of the same subject area)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameCourse.Config instructional offering configuration name (if the previously iterated object was an instructional offering configuration of the same instructional offering)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameCourse.Class class name (if the previously iterated object was a class of the same instructional offering, but different scheduling subpart)
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubpart.Class class name (if the previously iterated object was a class of the same scheduling subpart)
tmtbl.exam.name.diffSubject.separator separator between two objects of different subject area

Additional properties are used for generation of an examination name:

tmtbl.exam.name.maxLength maximal length of an examination name (if the name is too long, it is cut before the suffix and are attached at the end)
tmtbl.exam.name.type.Final string that is to be printed for %t when for a final exam
tmtbl.exam.name.type.Midterm string that is to be printed for %t when for an midterm exam


Default settings (that corresponds with the naming convention described at the beginning of this document):

tmtbl.exam.name.Course=%s %c
tmtbl.exam.name.Offering=%s %c
tmtbl.exam.name.Config=%s %c [%x]
tmtbl.exam.name.Class=%s %c %i %n
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Course=; %c
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Offering=; %c
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Config=; %c [%x]
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubject.Class=; %c %i %n
tmtbl.exam.name.sameCourse.Config=, [%x]
tmtbl.exam.name.sameCourse.Class=, %i %n
tmtbl.exam.name.sameSubpart.Class=, %n