Add Room Type
Screen Description
The Add Room Type screen provides interface for adding a new room type.

- Reference
- Name under which the room type is recognized internally by the application
- Should be implemented if it is to be used
- It is used in XML import of buildings and rooms (scheduledRoomType attribute)
- Label
- Name of the room type that is displayed in other screens throughout the application (for example, in the Add Event screen)
- Type
- Type of location (currently it is either Room or Other Location - the latter used for the type Outside Location)
- Room type is used for rooms in university space inventory (rooms within buildings)
- Other location type is used for non-university and/or outside locations (spaces without buildings)
- Save (Alt+S)
- Save the new room type and go back to the Room Types screen
- Back (Alt+B)
- Go back to the Room Types screen without saving the new room type