Room Types
Screen Description
The Room Types screen provides a list of available room types. Room types are used when it is needed to reduce possible rooms to a certain type, e.g. in event management where a user can ask e.g. for an available outside location or an available computing lab.

- Up and down arrows
- Change the order in which the room types are displayed in other screens (such as Add Event or Rooms screen)
- Reference
- Name under which the room type is recognized internally by the application
- Label
- Room type label that is displayed in other screens throughout the application
- Type
- Type of location (for example, Room or Other)
- Room type is used for rooms in university space inventory (rooms within buildings)
- Other type is used for non-university and/or outside locations (spaces without buildings)
- Rooms
- Total number of different rooms (with different permanent ID) in the application that are of this type
Click on any room type in the list to get to its Edit Room Type screen.