Edit Offering Consent Type

Screen Description

The Edit Offering Consent Type page can be used to change a name and an abbreviation of an existing offering consent type.

Edit Offering Consent Type

In UniTime, a consent can be given either by an instructor (course coordinator) or by a department (department scheduling manager). If a course requires a consent, a student enrolled in the course is in a waiting for consent state until the appropriate manager (course coordinator or scheduling manager) gives the consent or rejects the student from the course. The consent can be given using the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard. This technique provides an alternative to reservations which need to be given before a student enrolls in a course, and unlike the reservations, consents are approved (or rejected) after the fact (i.e., once a student is enrolled in a course).


A consent type has a reference (which cannot be changed), a name and an abbreviation. Both names and abbreviations must be unique.


Click Save to update the modified consent type. Button Back will get you back to Offering Consent Types page without making any changes.

The buttons Previous and Next can be used to save the current consent type and get to the Edit Offering Consent Type page for the previous / next type.