Edit Logging Level

Screen Description

The Edit Logging Level page can be used to change a logging level. This effects what messages will be printed in the log. The page requires Application Config permission. See Logging Levels for more details.

Edit Logging Level


UniTime is using log4j for logging. Each class writing messages into the log is using a separate logger, typically named after the class. The loggers form a tree in a similar manner as the classes do. A logging level can be changed for a particular class (logger) or for all classes (loggers) of a given package. For instance, all org.hibernate.cfg classes have the logging level set to Warning, meaning that only warnings or higher messages (errors, fatals) appear in the log. The following logging levels are available:

If a logging level is set to a particular level, only messages of the level or higher are printed in the log.

The buttons Previous and Next can be used to save the current role and get to the Edit Logging Level page for the previous / next role.


The new logging level will also appear on the Application Configuration page, with the log4j.logger. prefix. However, only changing the logging levels through the Logging Levels pages will have the immediate effect on the logging.

Edit Logging Level

The logger of the default logging levels cannot be changed or deleted, only the level can be changed.

Edit Logging Level


Click Save to update the modified role. Button Back will get you back to Logging Levels page without making any changes. Click Delete to delete the role.