Migrating to PostgreSQL
UniTime Version: 4.4.139
Last Updated: November, 2019

Table of Contents

Migration Steps

  1. Update UniTime to version 4.4.139 or later
  2. Install PostgreSQL 12.0 from https://www.postgresql.org/download/

    (using the default port 5432, and a custom password)

    Or using apt-get (Brew/MacPorts on Mac)

  3. Install pgloader (using pgloader, https://github.com/dimitri/pgloader)

    Installation for Mac:

     /usr/bin/ruby -e \
     "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
     brew install --HEAD pgloader

    On Linux, it should be sufficient to do apt-get install pgloader

  4. Create timetable user and timetable database

    Using the same name and credentials as the default UniTime database:

    createuser --interactive --pwprompt -U postgres

     Enter name of role to add: timetable
     Enter password for new role: unitime
     Enter it again: unitime
     Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
     Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
     Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
     Password: <password provided during install>

    createdb timetable -U timetable -O timetable

     Password: unitime
  5. Migrate MySQL database (including tables, indexes, and content)

    Create configuration file, e.g., migration.cfg:

       FROM mysql://timetable:unitime@localhost:3306/timetable
       INTO postgresql://timetable:unitime@localhost/timetable
     CAST type int when (= precision 1) to boolean drop typemod using tinyint-to-boolean,
       type decimal when (and (= precision 1) (= scale 0)) to boolean drop typemod using tinyint-to-boolean,
       type decimal when (and (= precision 20) (= scale 0)) to bigint drop typemod,
       type decimal when (and (= precision 22) (= scale 0)) to bigint drop typemod,
       type decimal when (and (= precision 19) (= scale 0)) to bigint drop typemod,
       type decimal when (and (= precision 10) (= scale 0)) to int drop typemod

    Execute pgloader: pgloader -v migration.cfg

    Note: The first time I tried, I was getting MYSQL-UNSUPPORTED-AUTHENTICATION error back. Making the following changes did the trick:

    1. Edit my.cnf and in [mysqld] section add the following line (restart MySQL afterward):

    2. Update timetable user password to mysql_native_password (using mysql -uroot -p):

       alter user timetable@localhost
       identified with mysql_native_password by 'unitime';
  6. Run the followings SQLs (using psql -U timetable)

     alter table distribution_type add temp_seq boolean default false;
     update distribution_type set temp_seq = 't' where sequencing_required = '1';
     alter table distribution_type drop sequencing_required;
     alter table distribution_type rename column temp_seq to sequencing_required;
  7. Install JDBC Driver downloaded from https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html

    Placed under Tomcat/lib (where the mysql JDBC driver is located now)

  8. Change UniTime connection properties

    Replace MySQL connection properties with the following:

     hibernate.dbcp.validationQuery=select 1
  9. Start UniTime, check the logs for any errors.

Potential Issues