Student Scheduling Status Types
Screen Description
The Student Scheduling Status Types screen provides a table of possible statuses for students during online scheduling. A default student scheduling status can be set on the academic session (Edit Academic Session page) and overridden on a particular student (Online Student Scheduling Dashboard page).
The table of statuses has the following columns
- Abbreviation
- Name
- Name of the scheduling status
- Assistant
- Student Enroll
- Indicates whether the student can use the Enroll button (a student can have access to online scheduling assistant without the ability to make changes)
- Advisor Enroll
- Indicates whether the student advisor (Student Scheduling Advisor permission) has access to online scheduling (can make changes on behalf of a student)
- Admin Enroll
- Indicates whether the scheduling administrator (Student Scheduling Admin permission) has access to online scheduling (can make changes on behalf of a student)
- Registration
- Student Register
- Indicates whether the student can use the Save button (a student can have access to course requests without the ability to make changes)
- Advisor Register
- Indicates whether the student advisor (Student Scheduling Advisor permission) has access to course requests (and can make changes on behalf of a student)
- Admin Enroll
- Indicates whether the scheduling administrator (Student Scheduling Admin permission) has access to course requests (and can make changes on behalf of a student)
- Email
- Wait-Listing
- Indicate whether wait-listing is available for the student
- No Batch
- When checked, student class enrollments cannot be changed during batch student scheduling (Student Sectioning Solver screen). These students, however, do count against the class / configuration / course / reservation limits.
- Advisor Can Set Status
- Course Request Validation
- Use the custom course request validation when configured. Custom course request validation can be used to provide additional validation for the entered course requests, to request overrides, and/or to check student eligibility to register.
- Special Requests
- Use the custom special registration when configured. Custom special registration can be used to provide the Scheduling Assistant with the ability to request registration overrides (e.g., during late registration).
- Message
- Message to be displayed when the student tries to enroll
- Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time
- An effective period (time window) can be defined for the status. Students are not allowed to make any changes outside of the effective period (unless allowed by the fallback status).
- The effective period starts (or ends) at midnight when the start time (or end time) is not defined.
- Fallback Status
- Fallback status when outside of the effective period. The fallback status can also have an effective period defined and its own fallback status.
Click on any line with a status type to get to its Edit Student Scheduling Status Type screen.
If there are course types defined (Course Types screen). It is possible to define which courses a student can request in the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard. In this case, there is a toggle for each of the course types defined. There is also a toggle (named Other) that applies to all course offerings that do not have a course type set.