Edit Curriculum
Screen Description
The Edit Curriculum screen provides interface for editing an existing curriculum.
Curriculum Details
- Abbreviation
- Name
- Academic Area
- Academic area for which the curriculum is set up (each curriculum can only have one academic area)
- Major(s)
- The major (or more majors) within the selected academic area for which the curriculum is set up
- Department
- The department whose curriculum managers should be able to edit the curriculum
Curriculum Classifications
The curriculum classifications show numbers of students in particular semesters of study, including projected numbers or last-like enrollment.
- Name
- Name of the academic classification, i.e., of the semester in which the students will be
- Examples: 01 - students in their first semester at school, GR - graduate students, …
- The default is the abbreviation of the academic classification
- Classification
- Last-Like Enrollment
- Number of students from given majors who were enrolled in the courses of this curriculum in the last-like semester
- Projected by Rule
- Requested Enrollment
- Expected number of students in the given classification who will follow this curriculum
- Current Enrollment
- Number of students of this curriculum (i.e., who have the majors from this curriculum) currently enrolled in the courses of this curriculum
Course Projections
- Group
- Course
- Academic Classification
- For each academic classification, the requested enrollment number can be entered for each course
- Note: There are two ways of entering the requested enrollment
- Number of students (cannot exceed the number from the Requested Enrollment line for the given classification in the Curriculum Classification section of this screen)
- Percentage of the total requested enrollment for the given classification (that is, percentage of the number from the Requested Enrollment line for the given classification in the Curriculum Classification section of this screen) - in this case, the “%” sign has to be a part of the entered percentage (example: “25%”)
An academic classification is displayed in the table only if there is a requested enrollment number in the appropriate column in the Curriculum Classification section of this screen
After clicking on a header of a column related to an academic classification, a menu appears; the first options apply to the whole table and are described above (in the Course header section); the remaining options, applying to a particular column, are as follows
- Clear Requested Enrollments
- Clear requested enrollments for this academic classification
- Copy Last-Like → Requested
- Use the numbers of last-like students for requested enrollment
- Displayed only if Last-Like column is shown
- Copy Projection → Requested
- Use the projected numbers of students for requested enrollment
- Displayed only if Projection by Rule column is shown
- Copy Current → Requested
- Use the numbers of currently enrolled students for requested enrollment
- Displayed only if Current Enrollment column is shown
- Sort by …
- Sort the table by this column, numbers decreasing
- Comparison table on mouse roll-over
- When one or more courses are selected in the Course Projections table and Current, Last-Like, or Projected numbers of students are displayed, a comparison table appears when the mouse rolls over a course; the table provides information about students (current, last-like, or projected) that the courses have in common
- The table compares the course on which the mouse is placed with the other courses that have been previously selected (and are highlighted in blue)
- Save (Alt+S)
- Save changes made to this curriculum and go back to the Curriculum Detail screen
- Previous (Alt+P)
- Save changes and go to the Edit Curriculum screen for the previous curriculum
- Next (Alt+N)
- Save changes and go to the Edit Curriculum screen for the next curriculum
- Back (Alt+B)
Shortcuts for navigation through the Course Projections table
- Windows (Firefox)
- Moving a course up or down the list of courses
- Click on any editable field of a line and press “CTRL+↑” to move the course up the list of courses
- Click on any editable field of a line and press “CTRL+↓” to move the course down the list of courses
- Jumping through the editable fields in the table
- Alt+↑ - move one editable field up
- Alt+↓ - move one editable field down
- Alt+→ - move one editable field to the right
- Alt+← - move one editable field to the left
- Mac (Chrome, Firefox)
- Moving a course up or down the list of courses
- Click on any editable field of a line and press “control+↑” to move the course up the list of courses
- Click on any editable field of a line and press “control+↓” to move the course down the list of courses
- Jumping through the editable fields in the table (it is also possible to use the “command” button instead of “alt”)
- alt+↑ - move one editable field up
- alt+↓ - move one editable field down
- alt+→ - move one editable field to the right
- alt+← - move one editable field to the left
Exiting pop-up windows
To exit a pop-up window (such as “Edit group”), just click on any place in the previous screen or press Esc