Manager Settings
Screen Description
The Manager Settings screen provides a list of manager’s settings, which can easily be changed by clicking on any of them.
![Manager Settings](/images/manager-settings-1.png)
Manager Settings help the users display information and select functionality that is most helpful for them in the input data section of the application.
The following settings are available
- Automatically calculate number of classes and room size when editing configuration
- Yes (default) - Automatically calculate the number of classes in a scheduling subpart after the limit per class is entered in the Instructional Offering Configuration screen
- No - Do not calculate
- Display last changes
- Yes (default) - in each non-editable screen, list who and when made the last change to the information displayed in the screen
- No - do not display this section
- Inherit instructor preferences on a class
- Ask - Ask about inheritance when an instructor is added in the Edit Class screen
- Always - Always apply instructor’s preferences only for departmental???
- Never (default) - Never apply instructor preferences
- Display confirmation dialogs
- Yes (default) - Display pop-up windows with confirmation messages
- No - Do not display these pop-ups
- Sort classes on detail pages
- Instructor name display format
- Last-first
- First-last
- Initial-last
- Last-initial (default) - “Wachteunberg, V L”
- First-middle-last
- Short
- Display room features in one column
- Yes (default) - All room features are listed in the Features column in the Rooms screen
- No - Each feature has its column and for each room, a check is present in the appropriate column if the room has the feature
- Show the option to set variable class limits
- Time grid display format
- Horizontal - Days on the left, times on top
- Vertical (default) - Days on top, times on the left
- Text - In the overview screens (Instructional Offerings, Classes,…), the time preferences are spelled out as text
- Time grid default selection
- Workdays x Daytime (default)
- All Week x Daytime
- Workdays x Evening
- All Week x Evening
- All Week x All Times
Click on any setting to change its value in the Edit Manager Setting screen.
Settings can be added/removed by administrator in the Default Manager Settings screen which is placed in the Default section of the Administration part of the left hand side menu.