Manager Settings
Screen Description
The Manager Settings screen provides a list of manager’s settings, which can easily be changed by clicking on any of them.
Manager Settings help the users display information and select functionality that is most helpful for them in the input data section of the application.
The following settings are available
- Automatically calculate number of classes and room size when editing configuration
- Yes (default) - Automatically calculate the number of classes in a scheduling subpart after the limit per class is entered in the Instructional Offering Configuration screen
- No - Do not calculate
- Display last changes
- Yes (default) - in each non-editable screen, list who and when made the last change to the information displayed in the screen
- No - do not display this section
- Inherit instructor preferences on a class
- Ask - Ask about inheritance when an instructor is added in the Edit Class screen
- Always - Always apply instructor’s preferences only for departmental???
- Never (default) - Never apply instructor preferences
- Display confirmation dialogs
- Yes (default) - Display pop-up windows with confirmation messages
- No - Do not display these pop-ups
- Sort classes on detail pages
- Instructor name display format
- Last-first
- First-last
- Initial-last
- Last-initial (default) - “Wachteunberg, V L”
- First-middle-last
- Short
- Display room features in one column
- Yes (default) - All room features are listed in the Features column in the Rooms screen
- No - Each feature has its column and for each room, a check is present in the appropriate column if the room has the feature
- Show the option to set variable class limits
- Time grid display format
- Horizontal - Days on the left, times on top
- Vertical (default) - Days on top, times on the left
- Text - In the overview screens (Instructional Offerings, Classes,…), the time preferences are spelled out as text
- Time grid default selection
- Workdays x Daytime (default)
- All Week x Daytime
- Workdays x Evening
- All Week x Evening
- All Week x All Times
Click on any setting to change its value in the Edit Manager Setting screen.
Settings can be added/removed by administrator in the Default Manager Settings screen which is placed in the Default section of the Administration part of the left hand side menu.